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Friday, 10 April 2015

Ghost Battle 2 Mod APK Unlimited Gold and Gems

Download Ghost Battle 2 Apk Mod Unlimited Gold and Gems ,New Update With Version 1.0.6

"Ghost Battle" is the battle of the ghosts to Protect the Holy Tree!
Ghost soldiers are gathered to protect the Holy Tree so it can’t be stolen by the enemies who scattered around the world.

--I’m Jinba, the Ghost Squad Leader--
My hobby is sleeping, but I believed to be the leader and I’ve a great ability, hohoho

--The latest version of the previous game--
Upgrade from ‘Ghost Battle’ on Nokia Store developed by Raion Studio.

--Simple Control--
Just build your Ghost Warrior to protect the Holy Tree from the enemies.

--Have content items from Indonesia--
The elements contained are such as the introduction of the mask from the various regions of Indonesia, and the famous ghosts in Indonesia to be the Ghost Warrior.

There is a myth that there is a Holy Tree contained an enormous energy. The energy is an energy used by the ghosts to survive. But now the myth have been spread around the world, also to the ears of the greedy ghost.The greedy ghost want to steal the big energy for his own sake.but it is not easy, the other warrior blocking his malicious intentions. Everyone knows that if the energy was discharged, then it’s the end of the ghosts on Earth. Started from here, the Ghost Battle begins…


||Game:  Ghost Battle 2 APK  ||
||Version: 1.0.6   ||
||Android : 4.0 ||
||Market:  ||
||Mod:  Gold and Gems   ||



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Ghost Battle 2 Mod APK Unlimited Gold and Gems,

Ghost Battle 2 Mod APK Unlimited Gold and Gems Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown