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Saturday, 4 April 2015

Download Glorb Defense Mod APK Unlimited Resouces

Download Glorb Defense Apk Mod Unlimited Money,New Update With Version 1.0.1

In Glorb Defense, you play the role of the Glorb Lord, a disembodied, extra-dimensional being charged with defending the Glorb, a mysterious glowing orb of incredible power.

The Glorb lies on the fringes of space and time, and is under constant threat of attack by a nefarious force known only as the Invaders. You must destroy these Invaders before they can destroy the Glorb.

Destroying Invaders allows you to collect their essence, which can be used to purchase new weapons and upgrades for your Glorb, making it more lethal and defensible.

The Glorb is in your hands. Only YOU have the power to save it.


||Game:  Glorb Defense APK  ||
||Version:  1.01  ||
||Android : 4.0 ||
||Market:  ||
||Mod:  Resource   ||



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