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Thursday, 23 April 2015

Download DonDonCastle APK Mod Unlimited Gold

Download DonDonCastle Apk Mod Unlimited Money ,New Update With Version 1.05

Let's defeat the monsters in the dot of the world! Don Don Castle

[Don Don Castle Story]
Has been conquered castle horrible monster. Seems brave we were wiped out in the 25th floor. What's happened in the 25th floor?
Since my castle of hero not anymore in not say, please regained castle you to hire a hero.

[Don Don Castle system]
Anyway, I climb intently! There as long as there is upstairs!
This game is a game that will defeat the enemy crossed the ranks in various units.
You can demonstrate a special ability in the Forming of ranks, status or to rise.
At first, it does not handle only one type of unit, in the gold obtained by defeating the enemy, you can strengthen the unit, you will be able to or hired a new type of unit.
In addition, available at favored enemy and weak enemy by unit. Let's set the platoon is firmly kneading the strategy.
Unit to evolve as to strengthen, and will be more powerful.

Let experience the great adventure of dots in the world Don Don Castle!


||Game:  DonDonCastle APK  ||
||Version:  1.05  ||
||Android : 4.0 ||
||Market:   ||
||Mod:   Gold  ||



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DonDonCastle APK Mod Unlimited Gold,

Download DonDonCastle APK Mod Unlimited Gold Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown