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Monday, 6 October 2014

More HTC Desire Eye Leaks

HTC-One_Eye1 The HTC Desire Eye is the future lower-end counterpart of the not-yet-released HTC One M8 Eye. Today we saw more pictures uploaded from HTC Family’s Twitter further detailing the design of the plastic device. The Eye seems like a normal higher-end phone out today: 5.2″ 1080p screen, Snapdragon 801, 2 GB RAM, waterproofing IPX7 rating, and 32 GB storage. What separates the Eye from the competition is its possession of not one, but two 13 MP cameras: one on the back, and another on the front for perfect selfies.

Some people believe that the selfie craze is too overblown and unnecessary, but apparently HTC disagrees. We can expect this device and its higher-end cousin to be released this quarter—will you be purchasing it?

HTC Desire Eye in Blue HTC Desire Eye in Red

Source: Twitter, Twitter, Twitter

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