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Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Sixth Gear 2 Apk Data v1.03 Paid Download

Sixth Gear 2 v1.03

Sixth Gear 2 stuns through its high-definition graphics, a delight to all high-end tablet and phablet owners, while still allowing full control over the level of detail, to allow even casual devices to play the game smoothly.

Start testing about well detailed cars from different categories. You will definitely not get bored driving the cars on a lot of racing tracks, each location being rendered in beautiful HD graphics for the different moments of the day. Take the extra challenge whenyou race on weather conditions are not the most favorable A career with different levels of difficulty takes your skills to the limit and challenges you to become the best pilot around.

If you’ve finished racing through the difficulty levels, that doesn’t mean the game is over! You can still participate in world championships, where the most advanced pilots meet, or you can compete against your friends.

Think you can handle it?

Sixth Gear 2 v1.03 Download Below:

Sixth Gear 2 v1.03

Sixth Gear 2 v1.03

Sixth Gear 2 v1.03

Sixth Gear 2 v1.03

Require 2.3 and Up & File Size 218mb

Instructions i got : 
  1. APK install the game.
  2. copy the "com.gameplayofficial.sixthgear2" Folder to SD Card/android/obb
  3. Running the game.ENJOY....!!

Sixth Gear 2 Apk Data v1.03 Paid Download Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown