Gratis Aplikasi Game Ringan Android dan PC Terbaru

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Fionna Fights - Adventure Time Paid v1.2 Apk Game

Fionna Fights - Adventure Time v1.2


Stay sharp with four different swords! Finn’s golden sword offers a powerful dash attack, the root sword packs an explosive punch, Fionna’s crystal sword fills the sky with crystal shards, and the demon sword destroys everything in its path!


Fionna, Cake, and Marshall Lee were on their way to Lumpy Space Prince’s party when they got jumped by a pack of evil monsters! Looks like it’s time to bust them up! Leap from enemy to enemy as you cut their army down to size!


Summon a knife storm, send in NEPTR’s missile-blasting battle suit, or unleash the fury of the vampire king himself, Marshall Lee!

Launch into battle with FIONNA FIGHTS!

Fionna Fights - Adventure Time v1.2 Download Below:

Fionna Fights - Adventure Time v1.2

Fionna Fights - Adventure Time v1.2

Fionna Fights - Adventure Time v1.2

Fionna Fights - Adventure Time v1.2

Require 2.3.3 and Up & File Size 25mb

Instructions i got : 
  1. APK install the game.
  2. Copy SD contents extracted in the path "SDCard / Android / Data" the the tablet.
  3. Running the game.ENJOY....!!

Fionna Fights - Adventure Time Paid v1.2 Apk Game Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown