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Sunday, 24 August 2014

Eternity Warrior 3 Mod APK V2.3.0 High Damaged

Download Unlimited Apps And Games for Android on APKLOVER.

 Download ETERNITY WARRIORS 3 Apk Mod Unlimited Mana and Cooldown, New update with version v2.3.0

The most acclaimed action/RPG game returns with 3x the Heroes, 3x the Dungeons and 3x the Loot!!

Northern Udar is in need of a hero once more, more now than ever! Every man, woman and child depends on it, they depend... on you.

||Game: Eternity Warrior 3 APK ||
||Version: 2.3.0 ||
||Required android: 2.3 and up||
||Market Link: ||
||Mod: Below ||

- Jade forest forever ! Pressing the google achievements button in town will load Jade forest map #3
- can change your nickname indefinitely often. usually its allowed 1 time only.
- removed confirmation popup when selling "blue/purple" items. its a pain if you sell tons of items.
- Power Farming Mode: after a level is finished, pressing continue at the "loot screen" will replay that level.
- Loot Drop Location. Loot will now drop at player's position.
- Auto Kill: all monsters die instantly
- Auto Quest: all quests are completed automatically
- Hero-Tower: no waiting times between waves and faster monster spawning.
- Level-Finish: only 3 seconds (instead of 5 seconds)
- unlimited Mana
- no Skill Cooldown
- Anti-Cheat
- 9999 Inventory Slots
- 50% more Movespeed


Download all files above
Install apk
Put data on Sdcard\android\obb\here
Play the game

Eternity Warrior 3 Mod APK V2.3.0 High Damaged Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown