Gratis Aplikasi Game Ringan Android dan PC Terbaru

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Brave Frontier Mod Apk v1.1.18 [ULTIMATE MODE]

Download Unlimited MODED Games For Android on APKLOVER.

Download Brave Frontier Apk Mod Ultimate Mode, New update with version v1.1.18

DOWNLOAD FOR FREE the MOST ANTICIPATED classic style role-playing game for the Android!

Venture forth into Grand Gaia, the world of the gods, and unleash your Summoner powers to save it by defeating the fallen god Maxwell in this immersive and addictive RPG!

||Game: Brave Frontier APK ||
||Version: 1.1.18 ||
||Size: 34 MB ||
||Required android: 2.3 and up||
||Market Link:||
||Mod:  Below ||

Moded By Optimum:
- Enemies only do 1 damage per hit to your units.
- Enemies only have 1 health.
- You gain 65000 Zel/Karma, or just Zel, per quest.
- Also enabled on arena

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      Brave Frontier Mod Apk v1.1.18 [ULTIMATE MODE] Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown