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Wednesday, 30 July 2014

System Tuner Pro v3.1.1

System Tuner Pro v3.1.1

A system suite to monitor & also document almost all routines, back-up and also recover *any* purposes, extended task killer, PC SD and also memory adjustments, logcat readers, fatal emulator, widgets and also signal, almost all a single extremely optimized request!

WARNING: PRO VERSION REQUIRES WIRELESS, BT, TELEPHONE and also GPS UNIT permissions for you to document telephone says. Application looked at using Comfort Inspector!

♦♦ Feature collection (some involve main entry, look at totally free model first) ♦♦
► Software boss *1
◊ Back-up and also confirm request apk/data
◊ Technique request uninstaller
◊ Discuss and also back-up apps for you to e-mail, DropBox, GDrive, and many others...
◊ Go any kind of apps for you to individual, process, SD
◊ Freeze/unfreeze apps, and also command request startup and also situations
◊ Squat arrange, obvious cache, erase dalvik-cache, correct permissions and also optimize sources

► Task boss
◊ Check PC, network and also memory usage
◊ Wipe out (default) as well as force-stop *1 any kind of apps as well as kernel procedures
◊ Computerized task mindblowing, memory booster-style, memory cleaner

► Technique Manage *1
◊ PC governor, volume, voltage, GPU adjustments, energy and also MPDecision adjustments
◊ Develop. prop and also sysctl editor (basic and also sophisticated mode)
◊ Boost, examine and also benchmark SD cards
◊ Operating system memory boss, memory cleaner, f-sync command
◊ Safe: auto-restore PC controls with boot-loop

► Technique Monitoring
◊ Just about all Operating system purposes as well as almost all procedures, PC, memory

► Standing tavern signal
◊ PC, memory, sd, optionally using images within drop-down

► Hugely Configurable Widgets
◊ Resizable determine widget
◊ 1x1 and also 2x1 (PRO ONLY) wording widgets
◊ 2x1-5x2 artwork widgets (PRO ONLY)

► Incurable Emulator
◊ Command historical past
◊ Discuss codes and also components

► Technique Firewood Reader *1
◊ Logcat as well as kernel messages
◊ Advanced selection and also look for
plus more which fulfills the eye ☺
*1 Needs main and also kernel service regarding whole characteristic

Careful attention: Rooting and also main cleaning the cellular device can easily give up the overall performance as well as lead to failures.

What is considered New
In case you expertise difficulties, make sure you deliver details employing a service ask via request controls, help and also service
Improve task & CPU managers
New (un)link apps via Play Store
New study last_kmsg (in Logs)
* INTERNET concur regarding downloading notification features via inside request
* WAKELOCK concur to ensure recorder just isn't disturbed
* GET_TASKS concur permitting eliminating current request.

System Tuner Pro v3.1.1System Tuner Pro v3.1.1

System Tuner Pro v3.1.1

System Tuner Pro v3.1.1System Tuner Pro v3.1.1



System Tuner Pro v3.1.1 Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown