Gratis Aplikasi Game Ringan Android dan PC Terbaru

Sunday, 27 July 2014

ePSXe for Android v1.9.20 Patched

ePSXe for Android v1.9.20 Patched

ePSXe for Android is really a Playstation emulator (PSX as well as PSOne). It's a port with the famous ePSXe with regard to PC.

ePSXe offers high compatibility (>99%), very good velocity, as well as correct noise. The item is designed for smartphones as well as drugs, (for 1-4 players) which include a fun 3 participants selection together with separated monitor manner. It includes exclusive touchscreen technology mat assistance, electronics links mapping (Xperia Perform, devices together with key pad or even gamepad, additional gamepads bluetooth or even HARDWARE like WiiMote, Sixaxis, Xbox 360, Moga, Ipega) as well as analog sticks. ePSXe sustains OpenGL HI-DEF superior visuals as a result of the Peopsxgl Plugin, be a cheater limitations and also savestates as well as memcards compatibility while using the PERSONAL COMPUTER edition. ePSXe involves native assistance with regard to ARM as well as Intel Atom X86. More details: http: //

IMPORTANT: ePSXe does not include things like video game titles, Game titles need to be supplied by person.

What's New
Version 1.9.20
* Extra multi-threading assistance to OpenGL plugin manner. 3 modalities additional: 2-threads + more consequences. Enable more consequences with quick devices to putting consequences (ex: swirls with ff series). (http: //
* Current the mat cases as a result of Javier ~ X1673
* Superior diagnosis incomplete/corrupted PS1 Bios
* Recognition associated with necessitating SBI files with gamelist
* Fixes a number of failures upon exit
* Extra a new manner to participate in using additional mobile phone (in neighborhood wifi) while gamepad with regard to player2.

ePSXe for Android v1.9.20 PatchedePSXe for Android v1.9.20 Patched

ePSXe for Android v1.9.20 Patched

ePSXe for Android v1.9.20 Patched

ePSXe for Android v1.9.20 Patched



ePSXe for Android v1.9.20 Patched Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown