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Monday, 25 February 2013

Spider-Man Ultimate Unlock LWP v1.28

Spider-Man Ultimate Unlock LWP v1.28 Apk

Requires Android:2.2 and up

Get your spidey sense tingling with The Amazing Spider-Man Live Wallpaper!

Get the Ultimate Pack unlocked now! This is the fully unlocked Amazing Spider-Man Live Wallpaper featuring the superhero’s 3D face hovering over the streets of New York City!

Included in this special unlocked version of the Google Play store top download (nearly 4 million downloads!) are features inspired by the movie such as the official ringtone, clock widget (2 styles), interactive soundboard and “Spidey Sense Alerts”.

Notice our webhead’s friends and foes, like good ol’ Aunt May, lady bird Gwen Stacy and the ferocious Lizard, reflect in his mirrored lenses, as he turns about and shakes his head.

Behind Spider-Man, the skyline of New York City changes before your very eyes as day turns into night!

“Spidey Sense Alerts” notification alerts appear around Spider-Man’s head when your device receives an email or text.

Also included is an interactive soundboard that contains some of the best Spider-Man audio clips from the movie. Simply touch his mask and let Spider-Man’s wise cracking antics begin! (Both the “Spidey Sense Alerts” and the soundboard can be turned on or off in the Settings menu)

So team up with your favorite wall-slinger from Marvel Comics, and download The Amazing Spider-Man Live Wallpaper today!

What’s in this version:

bug fixes for crashing issues across a number of devices


Spider-Man Ultimate Unlock LWP v1.28 Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown